Part 115: Of all the people in the world, you, maybe you...can actually reach her.
-A Lurking Shadow in the Wilderness-

They may have an advantage in terms of speed, but I won't let them escape our net.

Corner them and seize their vessel!
Soldiers: Yes, sir!
Warrant Officer Belc: Now we can finally catch our breath.

Yes...I'm sure our men on the line are even more worn down than we are.

Pass the word to let the men get some rest. The extra patrols can wait until first light.
Warrant Officer Belc: Very good, sir.
Royal Army Officer: I think we can say that we're gaining ground everywhere, including with the bracers on the Arseille.

Mmm. Good.
Royal Army Officer: If I may, sir? I personally don't really think there's a chance we'll lose. This 'society' is just a bunch of puffed-up criminals and jaegers. They'll never beat the Royal Army!

Don't underestimate them. They're 'criminals' with an airship the size of a small town, to start with.

Have the air units continue their patrol over all regions. Also, dispatch Emergency Order One to all divisions.
Royal Army Officer: Understood, sir!

I hope I'm just being paranoid, but...

I apologize for the surprise, but please bring him up.
-Tetracyclic Tower-

We've also just received a further report from the scout unit.

The reports say...the attacker was a girl with an enormous scythe.

I...was afraid of that.


Renne, the 'Angel of Slaughter.' When I was last in the society, she was simply being considered for the mantle of Enforcer.

Can she really control the Pater-Mater? Does it even really WORK properly?

Joshua, do you know what that huge puppet is?

I know the concept. It's a tactical assault archaism the society was working on when I was...deployed. As far as I know, they ended up freezing its development because of issues with its control system.

That little girlie seems to command it like a puppy, though.

Don't think I've ever been so scared of a grade-schooler before.


It's okay, Tita. Don't make that face. We'll make her see the truth! Just you watch!



Er. You think I'm being a little optimistic, don't you?


Of all the people in the world, you, maybe you...can actually reach her. Come on. We'll do our best together.


I hope you can bring her to her senses like you want to, Estelle.

I'm not sure how well my voice will reach her...

...But I'm going to try my hardest and yell as loud as I need to in order to be heard.

That's right...Do everything you can, Estelle.

Yeah, go for it, I say. It's the only way we're gonna save that kiddo from a life of murder.

I'm sure our voices will reach Renne.

For now, the most we can do, I think, is believe in her heart, and never forget who we're fighting to save.

She is the one who manipulated Kanone.

Frankly, I would like to venture onto the field myself to bring down justice upon her...For now, however, I shall leave things to you who have been entrusted this mission by Her Highness.

Our hopes go with you...Strive to do your best.
Sensor Operator Echo: Disruptions in the orbal fields are growing...There's no change in the tower yet, but...Be careful, everyone. These phenomena may be a sign of something even worse.
Helmsman Lux: So our mission for now is done, huh? *phew* Good work, Arseille...Was probably hard just hovering all the time, huh? Don't worry, girl, we'll be back in Grancel soon. Just a bit more.
Comm. Officer Leon: It seems like the attacks on the cities are starting to flag a bit. If we can take this last tower, that should settle things...Though, I can't help but feel things aren't really settled either way. I suppose it's because we don't know, really, what the enemy's after.
Royal Guardsman: Still, be sure not to let your guard down until you complete Her Highness' command. We pray for your victory.
Ship's Cook Casey: Finally close to the end of the mission, then. Still, they say the greatest danger in sky travel is the takeoff and the landing...Be careful, you hear?

We still don't know what the enemy is trying to accomplish, but it's clear we're nearly finished...for now.

Yeah...I guess that's enough, but, still...

We can figure out what these clowns were trying to do once we beat 'em to a pulp. For now, let's get over to that last tower and put a stop to 'em.

Yes, you're right. We can worry about the big picture a little later.

What we need to do now is act with haste...or we may regret hesitating.

The final tower, huh...

Especially with Renne there, we'll need to stay focused.

The ease with which she played us for fools...I can't believe she just picked that up somewhere.

That child...hmm. I wonder. I feel as though she must carry a great burden on her back - greater than is obvious at first. Great power such as hers always carries a cost, after all.
Royal Guardsman: Give this last one your all so we can put it to bed, okay? Like, you know, the ends justify the--well, maybe not that ruthless, but...Aww, just try hard, okay?

I'll have it ready in some fashion once you return from the tower.

And let me tell you, I'm glad I slid under this wire! It looks like we'll make it in time.
Ray: Well...we SAY the theory's done, but it's just the math, in the end. The funny thing is, I couldn't even follow what the math actually means! I mean, we proved it's true, but, uh...I think the old man's the only one who understands what we proved. Ironic? Yeah, but this is kinda common when working with the old man...It was a hard bit of research, but I've got to admit it was satisfying. Even if I don't understand it all.
Clive: Our research is finally nearing completion! We're going to need a bunch of prototype models soon. The next step is going to be getting those put a hurry!
Antoine: Nyao?
Mechanic Payton: They've probably got one hell of a fight left for the finale, though. Make sure you give your equipment a once-over.

I was kinda hopin' she wouldn't turn up, but...

Well, figures Ouroboros would throw a child in our way.

Yeah...That's how I thought at first, too...

I think this might be what we need, though.

How in the heck is havin' to fight a murderous pre-teen somethin' we NEED?

Well, I want to rescue her from the society. And I've got a lot I want to say to her. When you've got something to say from the heart, it's best to say it face to face, right?

Haha! That's one way of lookin' at it, I suppose!

Yeah, that's more like it, Estelle. You're shinin' like the sun again! You keep that up and I mi--

*cough* Sorry. I almost did my usual thing there.


Uhhh, don't worry about it.

My apologies for existing, Kevin.

Hahaaaa, noooo, no. My bad, really. Just, uh, gimme a pass on that one, yeah? I'll be better next time.

Are you guys, like, having some kinda male bonding moment or something? It's creeping me out. I'm right here and I've got a long stick with your names on it, you know.

It's okay. I know what you want to say.

We'll take care of Renne. Don't worry.

I don't think any of us can say for sure how it will go...But we'll do everything we can to bring her back.


The one who played us like a cheap piano back in Grancel.

Yeah...I wonder if that giant archaism will show up again.

That will largely depend on their strategy. It's hard to say for sure. That said, Renne won't be an easy fight even if they don't use it.

In a straight, head-on engagement, she's probably more capable than I am.

B-Better than YOU, Joshua...? You're kidding, right?! And she's got that giant archaism to top it off...

I'm not. From what I know of Renne's training, she's had equal instruction in infiltration and direct assault, whereas I was trained purely in covert operations. It should come as no surprise that she's more than capable of taking out her enemies single-handedly.

In other words, we can't let our guard down.

Yeah, well, sounds like a party to me. Let's knock some sense into that kid and give her the lecture of the damn century! You need me, just say the word.

Thanks, Agate. I know you're good for it.

Yeah, thanks, Agate.
Oh hey, Estelle can actually use Zodiac. How about that.
Faye: You ready to head down?
Faye: Okay, then. You know what to do. And guys? May Aidios be with you.

You think they might be nice twice in a row and give us a straight path so we don't get lost?

It won't be so nice if they use powerful guardians instead of sharp turns.

It will be dark soon. We should hurry as quickly as we can.

Yeah, we've got to stop Renne.

Everyone...come on! Let's do this!

